Who wrote that? Really odd forum post format to me.
Comparing a discussion with the home page. When I see the Home Page, top and center of each card is the member who did something such as Viewed, Gave Reputation, Endorsed and so on. Now you head to a...
View ArticleVB in Word - Using an ActiveX Command Button and Adding a Popup Message
Hello all, I am relatively new to Visual Basic and have managed to muttle my way through creating a 2013 Word document that has some ActiveX controls. The final control I put in place is a Command...
View ArticleAND OR in the same statement
Hello i have a mysql statement and i want to add more parameters to get different results. SELECT DISTINCT M.message,F.friend_one,F.friend_two, F.role,U.uid,U.username FROM users U,friends F, messages...
View ArticleConnecting to Mariadb with Libreoffice
I am trying to establish a connection between LibreOffice ( and Mariadb (10.1.29)/mysql. I have researched various resources on the web but am stuck not being able to establish a connection...
View ArticleSending Files to a printer in Solaris Unix
Hello, my name is John McPherson. I work as a contractor for the DOL, and I am trying convert some code I maintain in an application to send output files to a printer. Right now, the code( a bash...
View ArticleGNU compiler: how can i compiler using command lines?
i'm trying using the GNU compiler with command lines( using the ShellExecuteEx()). when i do: string FileName1="C:\\Program...
View ArticleC++: how create the read function?
i create the read(...) function for read to variables. but i need too the read()(without arguments) for press enter before continue\exit. void read() { //wait if the enter key is pressed:...
View ArticleCan anyone recommend a free Android emulator for Windows 10
My wife got a VeryfitPro fitness monitor for Christmas. I have the app loaded on my Android (6) phone and was hoping to install a companion app on my Windows 10 laptop but the only thing available is...
View ArticleGoogle+ API migration
As Google+ is being deprecated, I need to migrate my Oauth 2 off of Google+ and into the Google Sign-In authentication system. So far, I changed the list of scopes from...
View ArticleWhy I see only frame when I run my program?
Hi, something weird happened with my program, I mean when I run it I see only grey frame (like I had only JFrame object in my app), then I minimalize application, maximalize it and only then I see all...
View ArticleI want to find neighbors of a member of an array
I want to make"LOLO Game". A brief description of LOLO game: The game starts with a matrix filled with random numbers. The player selects a cell. After an input, all the cells which follow these...
View ArticleHelp with this Code Block Please
Lab Question We must create a program that do the following: Allow the user to type in a student name the coorosponds with the student's exam score. The program will be able to accpet exam scores till...
View Articlevb.net - IP-Input-Box like windows
Hello, I want to have a manual IP-input-box like windows. I tried by MaskedTextBox but the problem is, the 3 pionts are sliding when i insert some numbers and i can insert letters and numbers higher...
View Articleretrieve multiple images from database using php
I'm somewhat new to coding websites. I'm trying to have a code where it pulls multiple images from a single database and displays it in a grid, not a table. At the top of my page I have a normal...
View Articlesearch in an Excel or CSV file
Hello, i got a table in Excel (or exported to CSV). There are 3 columns (1. column = specification / 2. columns = value1 / 3. column = value2). On my vb.net form i got a textbox, 2 labels and a...
View ArticleTypeError: input expected at most 1 arguments, got 4
I'm relatively new to python, and I'm trying to create a pokemon battle. This error has come up, I've looked up solutions but it hasn't helped me as I can't understand it properly. Please help, I'd...
View ArticleBubble Sorting Array in Java: Lab Assigment
Lab Assignment We must create a program that will print a sorted list of all the students and the corresponding scores listing the highest score first and the lowest score last. In this case I would...
View ArticleComputer Science Jobs (Explain the Difference)
I am currently studying for an "Associates in Computer Science" with the intention of tranfering to a four year collage to get either a "Bachelors of Computer Science" or a "Bachelor of Applied...
View Articleshow connected USB Devices
Hey community, how can i show the connected USB-Device like keyboard, mouse, webcam and so on? Or how can i search in the connected USB-Devices, if I know the name or only a part of the name? I am...
View ArticleSession variable is not updated when database gets updated
Hello, So I have buttons on my site connected to a PHP code that updates the column "status" in "users" table with a value based on what button you press. This is the PHP script for that: <?php...
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